We, the playmakers of you-force have been tagged by Farahiyah. ( fawahness.blogspot.com ) To satisfy her needs, we did an outstanding video! Hope you enjoy the show!
Below is the rules of being tag:
1.Each blogger must post this rules. 2.Each blogger must being with ten facts about them. 3.Other blogger who are also tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves. 4.You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end. 5.It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards,letting them know about the award they've received.
We're nuts! So we tag everyone who view this! MUAHHAHA! Rules are meant to be broken! ahhaha =p
Signed off @ 1:45:00 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
True Facts of Love Life Masani
Hey semua! I got this from my department punya forum. Hehe its kinda true.. baca saja tia =P
1. King & Queen control, semua tah kan di control nya. baiktah bali kan kereta control. kan control pun sadang2 la.
2. Ice queen ( ego?) klayi bukan tah kan ngakun salahnya walaupun ya salah.
3. No chemistry. inda sefahaman. surang mau ice cream, surang mau chocolate. apakan?
4. Selingkuh? HAHAHAHAHAHA. ketahuannn!!! ani yang paling babi sekali la.
5. No freedom.semua inda buleh, tepaksa tapok2.. sabar sha.
6. Partner gauk2 tawa2 kan be cali kana signal2. kana cakapi "Bisai2 deh ulah atu!" aww sandi.
7. Permission, apa saja mesti tanya. parents nda lagi tanggung tu. bf / gf lah tanggung! haha.
8. Jalan kadai pakai baju sama jenis, sama kaler.
9. Masalah damit jadi masalah basar. macam kan durang klayi pasal tayi wah, sampai esuk2 nda betagur.
10. Ani nda semua la, Penjeles kan mati. senyum arah kawan pun inda buleh. kana tantang tarus!
11. Makan kalau sama sama paksa control, ilang skill kampung. hehehe. Ada jua yg beshare tu makan. Partnernya nda sadar tu yg partnernya sorg tu nda barus gigi apa sal gagas ngaga ia.
12. Online sampai subuh abis tu tebalik2 I love you, I miss you. mwahs.
13. When credit abis kana marah, ada tia yg cakap.. "kenapakan abis credit ah be msg sama urang lain kah?"
14. Mengusut kan mati. barang damit pun kan di kusut kan.. air liur kucing melakat arah baju pun kan menangis.
15. Sweet talker. cakap Together Forever la, janji itu ini.. baru cium bau kantut mental sudah!
16. Couple mesti kissing. HAHAHAHAHA. ada bonus. nada yang nda kissing, nda ku caya tu. Kiss tgn pipi apa, KISS jua namanya.
17. Mula mula pigang tangan ni, lama lama pigang kepala.... tuhut. Mula2 lambai lama2 bagi fuck .. sama la~
18. Kalau kelayi nda teriak2 nda sah! te sumpah sumpah. words BUDUH kuar.
19. Inda cukup sorang. mau jua ada spare.handal.
20. Kanapatan! kan menipu tapi inda handal.IQ RANDAH..HAHA. bida ehh! BOOO!!!
21. Klayi dalam keta, drive laju2. mesti di takan minyak tu! Pastu break ngajut. Plancit air liur rah cramin dapan. Cian.sawan tia bnr.
22. SARCASTIC. hehe. ada saja kan kana sindir. sabar sha laaa!
23. Inda iklas melayan pasal hari hari jumpa. Baus bah mliat dh. Mkin panjang bulu idung.
24. Handphone 24hrs di tangan. Mcm kwnku tym main bula pun pigang hp bmsn sma gfnya.handal.alum pernah hpnya gugur.main street dh tu.handal~~
25. Tukar2 line, tukar2 handphone, email swap. Rasa bah kn liat mncek sapa dangan bf/gf kuntek.Partner mana tau..mcm msn ada yg spare lagii~
27. Need time 4 privacy (alasan untuk putus) ada lagi reason yang paling LAME BRABIS. need space, kan belajar dulu. hahaha.
28. Partner nya msg sama urang lain bukan BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND buat "i miss you more than words?" hahaha. ani termasuk dalam golongan curang jua kali.. heh.
29. Inda kana bagi jadi kemarahan. WAHAHAHAA!! Selalu ni.kalau pgi2 urg masam2 muka apa grenti pasal smalam tu.assume sja..paham2 la.for fun sarapan pgi.AHAHAHA.
30. Baru 2-3 bulan together buring sudah. mau lagi yang baru. kanyang lari.
31. Kalau di tanya "handsome ka ku ni yang?" gf jawab " handsomeee ehh!! Bnr!!" tapi dalam hati (bulu idung nya tekeluar ah.)
32. Awal awal pemalu.. lama lama nda tau malu..
33. Main transfer credit.ada gi pandai bunga bunga cakap “cr me low ni..kapih lagi so masani save2 dulu bmsg” pastu ada tia kana forward kn..hahaha
34. Pengikis! hint ckp baju lawa tia, sampai partner ckp "bahh esuk balikan"
35. Couple mesti liat muvee di cinema. baru romantic ~
37. Dulu2 nda jumpa sehari kan mati rasanya, masani dh jumpa kan mati plg rasanya.
38. Awal2 mau pujuk, batah2 malas tia kan pujuk. pebaik ia menangis smpai ingus nya di lantai..
39. LELAKI, kalau ada game, bula, kereta, makanan.gitar. jadi GF pertama drg tia. Nda tia drg pedulikan gfnya.ada tia bealasan.dluar ku tdi.
40. BINI2, kalau meliat ceta KOREA handsome2 angau2 , mcm BOUTA sul drg. bf nda telayan.sanggup tu bjaga abiskn 2pack CD aa.alasan tdo..AHHAHAHAHA.lagi tia.
41. (18PL.didelete..hahaha)
42. Bejalan kajap ke kadai kaling pun mesti miskol pakai loudspeaker.
43. Kalau nda kana balas miskol kana msg "behapa tu?" kana balas lagi "beria ku tdi" dahto kana tanya lagi "banar kan tu?" membari malas. hahaha.
44. Takut gf/bf inda kana suruh jalan bagi alasan TIDUR padahal bejaur. erm. Ada ni tau ku jua.
45. Partner kana balikan brg, inda pandai besyukur. mau jua yg mahal. branded. eh kira pengikis la jua..
46. Lelaki nda dapat liat bini2 hot. mcm bayi tia usul drg. mun lapar baik asak semua.
47. Bini2 kalau liat bf nya liat bini2 lain kana cubit. Kana tantang lgitu sampai2 ingus bah kuar!
48. Minta ambil, akhir sikit jadi kemarahan. mau jua on time.bini2 ni biasa camni.drg aa nda sadar mun besiap aa kan mati batahnya.laki2 harum2 nunggu smpai kuar bah bau ketiak drg nunggu.
49. Kalau be SMS, ujung2 nya mesti ada words "luv u. mwahs" its a MUST.
50. Friendster, facebook mesti ada gambar berdua.
51. MSN mesti nick nya jiwang2 example : zee’s, zees’s properties.kalau nda pun ada tia nicknya drg buat bad mood la..i don’t trust u la..atu something bekenaan love life drg la tu..
52. Selalu bagi lagu macam "eh lagu ani untuk you ni dangar ahhh"
53. Bila ada urang lain.. minta putus, bila sudah putus menyasal tia kan go back. buduh!
54. Abis klayi tamparan muka. abistu ambil uleh arah urang lain. Mulut bauu.makan sampah kah kau kelmarin?hoho
55. Jumpa kawan lama buat inda kenal, kana ucap buang batu la itu ini. pasal takut kana marah. ciannn..
56. Kalau miskol kana reject kana ucap sma urang lain tym atu. hahaha.
57. Da problem sikit2 minta putus.rasa bah..kes baus dah ni..
58. Sanggup online 247 tunggu partner nya online....
59. Kadang2 ada yg tipu parents rasa kn bejumpa, escape sekulah. (kalau parents alom approve) biasanya bini2 illegal ni camni.illegal means below 18.haha.
Ceta ini adalah rekaan semata-mata.Takde kena mengena dengan yg hidup atau yg dah mampos..tujuan blog ni bukan untuk mnyindir.if ada yg trasa sabar sja.hahaha.this is an article tuk dbaca for fun.pi if kmu mbaca smpai abis,congrates.hee.peace yaw Y(.’_’.)Y (kalau ada yg kan tambah facts bleh jua!!)
There is two ways on how to become a good dota player: 1. play with different kind of players two ways to do it (a) play lan games with friends (b)play online game, Garena.
You get experience in different battle.
You learn from mistakes
You know what to buy and stuff
You get mental sometimes
For online game sometimes people leave the dota game early because they are noobs.
For online game also, if your teamate is noobs then you have no chance to win. XD
2. play with bots(aka computer aka A.I aka whatever lah)
good for practising last hits,this is important because last hits give you the money
good for practising buying things which are important for the character you chose
A.I are stupid it can be killed easily
Other tips so become a good dota player always2 play in -ar mode (random mode) this is so you are given a randomed hero which is good because it can help you to get use to different kind of heros. =)
Hello kepada semua para pembaca blog YOU-FORCE a.k.a KAU PAJAL!!! :) Untuk kali ini, aku kan meliatkan kedikamu plan kami untuk masa dapan. Bukan plan capat kaya or plan naik, aji tapi plan untuk OUR DREAM HOUSING SCHEME!
Di atas, adalah rajah menunjukan plan kawasan rumah kami. Telah nyata bahawa kawasan rumah kami di protected dgn fence yg ugged. Di dalamnya ada 4 buah rumah kepunyaan Ibnu, Sarif, Fandi and Hafiz berserta isteri kami yang di sayangi, di cintai and kami amat2 suka laa :P Rumah kami adalah di jangka 3 tingkat or more ikut ikut hati kami lah~
Pasal kami ani pemalas, kami memplan membuat yang siok siok la di dalam kawasan kami berempat atu.. di antaranya swimming pool yg berwarna biru laut atu.. mau jua mandi kan lepak sun bath santai~ then dakat sana gym untuk fitness kami, di sana ada squash, ada bowling, ada basketball court, apa saja buleh muat dalam gym kami atu nanti ya udah tu!
Di hati tengah kawasan kami adalah kawasan main bola! yaaa memangnya kami suka amat main bola so kami plan kan buat dua jenis padang bola, satu untuk kami main street football and satu untuk field football! ramai tia kawan2 kami dari team overdoze and sapa2 la datang sana main, untuk friendly pun siok jua tu! home wah tu!
Di kawasan atas rajah atu pulang tempat kami main game, iaitu gaming house gaming for life! kami! hehe walaupun kami mungkin tua sudah bila menjadikan plan ani, tapi kami tatap suka main game! online game dota kah kami main, rpg kah.. main premier football ka.. apa-apa la yg ugged atu! Walaupun kami suka main game, tapi inda jua kami kan lupakan sembahyang kan.. tua tua udah sadar tah tu kan nanti :P so kami buat tah jua surau di dakat kawasan kami atu hehe korban apa sana jua kali eh.. bahang kan new born kami sana.. baru ugged :P
Harapan ku kan membuat plan ani di tempat yg tenang la.. tempat yg inda bising, bising pun pasal kami sendiri buat heboh.. hehe ani kawasan kami, kalau berezeki, luar fence atu parents2 kami la..nda jauh kan mengaga diorg.. baru fun! ingau tah kan kami mun rumah sebalahan! haha
Bah ani la idaman kami ni.. mudahan saja menjadi... berusaha tah kami ni untuk mencapai kan ani.. amin kan kami berjaya! AMIN!! =)
Aku sepatutnya mem-post ani before si pandi menari hehe tapi nda apa la.. liat ya menari below this post yah!! Nanti kami duet tu ah!! :D
So time atu lunch bah d ITB, aku makan kolo mee bakas dari gaint, sekali aku pikirkan sal assigmnet ku wah, mental ku yo sekali kawan ku pasang lagu.. apa lagi menari tah ku!!!
Helo everyone. ok im goin to post sumthin that will entertain u guys out ther who's having a bad day.
Well its actually a request from my fren nunu. u guys shud hav already seen his dancing video on fb rite. well guys, what he said was really true. Dancing does release stress =D. He asked me if i can dance or not and so i gave it a try. So its my turn now. hehe. Feel free to laugh out loud. i noe it's cawie, it's jst a sketch.
some history of me: Well, when i was a kid, i was so into dancing actually, but then i stopped... for some reason. WAAHHAHA...
so here's a sketch of me dancing. XD
ps: ther's no reason actually. i jst love football than dancing, thats why i quit dance lol... :D
Today...i met my friend, Nunu at ITB koperasi. then he said, " Krg liat kami main bula lawan team c pandi..." Then i said," Bh ok..Liat lah.." . I've just remembered that they're havin their match today...so much things running in my mind...test..assignment...huhu
Its 4.30pm dah, my test baru abis...i went to UBD football field soon after that and first half already started, maybe for about 15 mins...and Nunu's team leading 1-0...it was raining and the match looks so dull..[no offense guys] cz i saw less teamwork and there's not much highlight to see...except one yellow card was issued in the game and a lot of injuries for Nunu's team...around 5 people...too bad for them especially their goalie...but they manage to score again early in the second half. Fandi's team tried to come back by scoring their first goal soon after that second goal...it gets a lil bit exciting when both teams tried harder to find the net...a lot of substitutions for both teams...everyone look so exhausted...
tik..tik..tik..i felt that the match went for so long already and it almost over...so i came over near the field and suprisingly its another goal for Nunu's team...they further their lead by 3-1 and soon after that the match's all OVER...prff..prff...!!
Congratulation to the winning team..and try harder for the losing team..ITS PART OF THE GAME!!! xD and too bad...both of them didnt score...nda sebrapaa~~ xp
Manchester United last night took on a just promoted Stoke City. We witness a devestating manutd attacking force last night. They were in total control and ripped apart Stoke City. A well earned 5-0 victory.
Highlights of the goals can be streamed and viewed at:
I didn't play the match cause i had a function at home. The guys played an amazing match as what they told me. They had mega creeps on their sides but at the end.. they got disconnected at the near end.
Sorry no replay cause the game got dc-ed.
Second game :
Clockwork - Ibnu
Demon Witch - Sarif
Naga Siren - Hafiz
Broodmother - Fandi
I came late but had a chance to play a absolute great game. It was a 4on5 game. At the beginning we were totally controlled by the opponent. Honestly i wasn't confident at all at the early stage cause i die early >_< i got GODLIKE~ happy ku eh haha
Below is the link to our 2nd game replay. Just put into your Warcraft III's replay folder and then enter Frozen Throne -> Single Player -> View Replay :)
A wide variety of social skills are desirable for successful teamwork, including:
Listening - it is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas.
Discussing It is important to discuss your ideas with your teammates until you agree.
Questioning - it is important to ask questions, interact, and discuss the objectives of the team.
Persuading - individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas.
Respecting - it is important to treat others with respect and to support their ideas.
Helping - it is crucial to help one's coworkers, which is the general theme of teamwork.
Sharing - it is important to share with the team to create an environment of teamwork.
Participating - all members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team. (usually consist of three or more people)
Communicating - For a team to work effectively it is essential team members acquire communication skills and use effective communication channels between one another e.g. using email, viral communication, group meetings and so on. This will enable team members of the group to work together and achieve the team's purpose and goals.
Reference from Wikipedia.
So whats the point of me posting this?
Well since most of us have been friends for a long time, i suppose our own human nature has developed and is connected with one other in certain ways, one of it is through teamwork. I pretty much am confident we know more or less about each other thus our teamwork happens unconsciously.
So the main thing is here, i posted about teamwork so that each of us know consciously about it, reminisce things that we did together. Did we not do any teamwork together? Haha there would be times we failed but teamwork was present and that's important ;)
Alright this weekend we, the playmaker and you-force admins will be having a friendly dota match. Tho we dont have a last player, we'll still be going for it as 4 players!
Here are the list of heroes that i think might be capable of making a good combination of power, support and speed if we had an AP mode:
Game Plan - RADAK!!!! 1. Razor - Chain lighthing and ulti gives good aoe damage & fast attack speed to push towers early. 2. Zues - Again having lots high damage with lighting skills & ulti to know where enimies are. 3. Axe - The tanker of the team, can give time for teammates to attack while he tanks. 4. Vengeful - The initiator, stun and swap an enemy to begin gangbanging!
Game Plan - THE LAST BLOOD IS OURS TO TAKE!! 1. Troll/Moltred - you know why ;) 2. Treant Protector - Our protector! Enables time for mates to give great damage! 3. Shadow Fiend - The one that holds on early and late game. Playmaker! 4. Twin Head Dragon - Clearing creeps, iniates attack or holds on to defend
Game Plan - DEATH TO ALL!! 1. Moon Rider - Death to all who sees the Moon Rider 2. Furion - Decides whos life is to be inialited 3. Demon Witch - The stunner, hexer and killer!! 4. Dragon Knight - Our Knight and shinning armor! Or dragon scales lol
This are MIGHTBE game plans but we can change it anytime ;D I wanted to add which of us uses which hero but then again, we can use any hero hahaha =P Okey... lets do this guys! FOR THE TRIBE!!!!
its approximately 2.00am333145millisec and yet im not sleepy. i didn't even drink any caffine contained drink yet my eyes are fully awake.
so i played dota, 2 matches 1 win 1 lose overall results.
Place of play : my house Server: Garena Time: 12-2 (just finished playing)
Room: Malaysia Dota room 44
1st match: Hero Used: Earthshaker(favourite sulnya~~) Mode: -sd Kills: 7 Deaths: 6 Longest Spree: Dominating Overrall results: Lose Overall review of match:good combination of heros.very noob random teamates
2nd match: Hero Used: Chaos Knight (swapped for morphling) Mode: -ap ( but i use random hero,typed : -random) Kills: 15 Deaths: 7 Longest Spree: wicked sick Overall Results: Win Overall review of match: good teamwork,good combination of heros.good job random team.
Information Birthplace: Brazil Blood type: B Fighting style: Capoeira Occupation: Heir/Owner of multi-million dollar corporation
Eddy was born into one of the richest families in Brazil. Ever since he was a small boy, he knew he would one day take over the family business. He was well liked in his home town because he was a hard worker who treated others as his equals.
One day, when he was 19, Eddy came home from school to find his father shot and dying. He recalled that his father had been unusually nervous and fearful in recent weeks. Eddy's father was working to destroy the drug cartel in Brazil. His untimely death occurred just when he had obtained enough evidence to put the kingpins away for good. In his last breaths, Eddy's father told him, "Now is not the right time to fight. Falsely admit to the crime and hide in prison. Only there will you be safe". Eddy went along with his father's last wish and the model student went from a life of luxury to incarceration as a murderer.
Prison life was hell and not a day went by that Eddy didn't vow to get even with his father's killers. One day during a prison riot he watched an old man with great power fighting using a technique he called Capoeira. For 8 years Eddy practiced until he became a master and could be considered a lethal weapon.
Upon his release from prison, Eddy heard about the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 and the Mishima Financial Empire (MFE). He decided to enter the tournament, believing he could persuade the MFE to help him seek his long-awaited revenge.
Hehe, well actually Eddy Gordo is a video game character in the Tekken fighting game series. He's one of my fav character when i was so into this video games. I was in primary five when i made my 1st email and i decided to use his name since my name is also eddie. And till now, i still use the same email, edigordo@hotmail.com. :) hmm, ok thats a bit of the background of my email and how i came up with the name edigordo. XD Goodnyte everyone...
Saturday, 8th Nov 2008, there's a gathering for Man Utd fans at Red Canopy Foodcourt, Qlap, New hotel beside Hua Ho, From 7.30pm-10.20pm, All the fans are invited to come and wear a man utd jersey if possible. Ur support are needed....x) And i'm gona be there with lots of frens...COME!! GO UNITED!! United against the rival titans...Arsenal...its one of the big game for united....OLE>>OLE>>OLE>>!!
I got this out of a ebook. I want to share this knowledge cause its like knowing who developed the telephone or who created a book. So here it goes:
Java was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working version. This language was initially called “Oak” but was renamed “Java” in 1995. Between the initial implementation of Oak in the fall of 1992 and the public announcement of Java in the spring of 1995, many more people contributed to the design and evolution of the language.
Somewhat surprisingly, the original impetus for Java was not the Internet! Instead, the primary motivation was the need for a platform-independent (that is, architectureneutral) language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices, such as microwave ovens and remote controls.
many different types of CPUs are used as controllers. The trouble with C and C++ (and most other languages) is that they are designed to be compiled for a specific target. Although it is possible to compile a C++ program for just about any type of CPU, to do so requires a full C++ compiler targeted for that CPU. The problem is that compilers are expensive and time-consuming to create.
An easier—and more cost-efficient—solution was needed. In an attempt to find such a solution, Gosling and others began work on a portable, platform-independent language that could be used to produce code that would run on a variety of CPUs under differing environments. This effort ultimately led to the creation of Java.
I cant live without you, you have been with me all this time. I remembered when i first found out about you. Everyone like you. I was shy at first but then i tried you. After that it all fall into place. You have come to my life giving me such joy and happiness.
You are always there somewhere near me when i need you. You've given me great pleasure, strength and energy to continue my life. I am so lucky to know you. One of the best blessing in life is you. To hold you so tight, and then tasting you sip by sip, it always feel so amazing.
Heaven & Earth Jasmine Green Tea.. I love you and always will...
Signed off @ 12:15:00 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
5th Nov 2008 - Man Utd v.s Celtic (champions league group stage)
This is the first edition of match speculation....Topic for today's edition, Man Utd is chosen as the favourite to win this match (5:1) as C.Ronaldo and Rooney found their form for this season as well as Dimitar Berbatov, the only signing for United this season. C.Ronaldo scored twice in last week match against Hull City. Despite the narrow win (4:3), C.Ronaldo as a key player played quite well..So he is expected to perform a well done job in the next match against Celtic.
During the first round match against Celtic, Man Utd won by a margin of 3-0. Dimitar Berbatov strike twice in those match and one for Rooney. Nakamura of Celtic is predicted to be a possible threat for United for his accurate curving freekick, which beat Van Der Sar twice during the last 2 seasons.
Now, let me ask some of the professional footballer about their prediction of the game.NuNu (Ov-Right Def) said that, "It'll be a 2-0 win for united and Rooney as the Man of the Match". while his teamate, Eddie (Ov-Striker), predict a 3-0 win and C.Ronaldo as his choice for the Man of the Match title. While the injured player for Ov (Winger) Fizzo said that, he expect a 10-0 win for United. For real??....he just made a wild guess...i don't know if he's joking or not...what the...
Finally, I predict a 4-0 win for United and Micheal Carrick as the Man of the Match....GLORY..GLORY..Man Utd~ xD THE RED RULES!!! WOHOOO>>><<
Saying an “I love You” to your loved one is for sure nice. But then again, you don’t have to always be saying it just very here and then. Remember, the words have to come from truly within your heart, in a very joyful and relaxing mood. And only so, will the real warmness and meaningfulness of the words be there; to be touching that very heart of that beloved of yours. Well, save them for during those special occasions or when the correct mood or timing is there… And last but not least, don’t forget to response back in saying an “I love you too” to your love when you received it from him or her. A relationship is always a two-way communication, isn’t it? Don’t disappoint your love. Well, you may not be ready now but when the correct timing arrives when you feel the want to be saying it, just do it. Be courageous in love....
Signed off @ 1:31:00 AM
Beauty Tips for Men
Gone are the days when men going to beauty parlor was unacceptable, thought to be taboo or people would doubt them. De facto, history reveals that men would use kohl thousands of years ago! Now again, it is very much in the fashion, totally acceptable and normal if a man goes to a beauty parlor or salon and gets his eyebrows done and chest waxed. Otherwise also, first thing that people notice is your face. So in today's world, getting good looks and looking well-groomed has become very important for men too. There are beauty tips for men as well that can help them look good. These beauty tips for men are for all those men who either want them or for those who don't need them but deep inside are as insecure about their looks as women.
Men, like women, equally get worried when they see gray hair. Therefore, there are beauty tips for men as well. The best way is to get rid of gray hair by covering it as soon as you notice it. Don't wait for it to become more noticeable. And if you notice that you are going bald, get your hair cut to a shorter style. Or you can shave your head, nowadays it is very much in fashion. Other one of the beauty tips for men is don't forget to trim nose and ear hair. You can also get your back waxed and remove unwanted hair. Our beauty tips for men section will definitely prove beneficial to you. There are many companies that specialize in beauty products for men. These beauty products for men can actually enhance looks of men. For more beauty tips for men, keep reading.
Men, too, are sensitive about their skin and they try all kinds of methods to protect their skin and keep it healthy. One of the beauty tips for men for keeping their face clean and refreshing is wash your face. For skin care, men can try a moisturizer on the skin with a sunscreen. Besides face, hands and feet grooming is equally important. Men can take a few of the beauty tips here as well and keep themselves tidy. Some of the extra beauty tips for men are try to wear light color cotton clothes in hot and humid weather. These clothes absorb less heat there are less chances of stains. To prevent body odor and stains, try to shave your under arm hair.
Song of the day. This song is dedicated to all my fellow frens in brunei and also those in UK, or anywhere in this world. enjoy the song~ XD
Signed off @ 11:20:00 PM
Sarif's Virtual Pet
Name : Chip
Owner : Sarif
Age : 2181 hours
D.o.B : 20-01-2008
Species : Chubby face squirrel
Abilities : Eating and sleeping Disabilities : Short Hand
Features : 0.8 feet tall, Grey and white fur Hobbies : Joining Eating Contest
Special Power : Itadakimasu (Speedy Eating)
Description : This Virtual Pet own by Sarifkinkin. This Squirrel will stay around in our blog. XD
Don't u bully Mr.Peng and TaTal ayte. Be nice! <3>
Signed off @ 10:34:00 PM
Evening Pleasures
Whats the best drink and snack to eat when its cold, dark and its raining heavily outside? Of courseee laaa minum HEAVEN AND EARTH : JASMINE GREEN TEA and makan SNICKERS BERCAREMEL AND NUTS!! ENAK BANGET!!
Then sekali kamu pasang lagu Akon, kamu tutup lampong bilik, belimpang kamu.. meliat pc.. sambil minum and makan.. gila.. yoo siok yo.. nyamann.. cam.. hotel wahh~~ sajuk aircon lagi.. aduhhh~~ heaven<3333 lol
Description : This Virtual Pet own by Eddie. I jst happen to like penguin! This penguin will stay around in our blog too. XD Go hav fun with TaTal ok. dont kill her.
Signed off @ 10:15:00 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Trip to KK
I was wondering, i have a dream.i dreamt that i was planning on a vacation to Kota Kinabalu (also known as KK in short form) with my mates and my lover and other friends.Then i woke up.i got this crazy idea, that i " should" plan going there with my mates and lover for vacation.
So i was thinking,maybe i should.it could be fun. Well, i was thinking of going there with 20 people who is close to me and going there with a coach(aka bus). I heard my gf said it was $300++ so i assumed to be $400 to round it off.
So i got this idea, why not go there for 3days or 4.Now here comes my mathematical calculations.
Lets say we'll go there for 3 days (minimum): so renting a coach(+the driver) = B$400 per day so for 3 days that is like: 400 x 3 = $1200
okay now for the cost of living lets say we're gona stay at the apartment near the marina hotel(which i forgot what's the apartment called) the cost of renting a room is ranged between RM250-300 per night. so we're going to stay there for two nights so the range of cost is:RM500 - 600per room
so converting that to B$ rate we divide the price by 2 which is = B$250-300 per room. but we want two rooms so x it by 2 again which give us: B$500-600(2 rooms) [one for guys, and the other for girls] so total cost for staying there for 3 days and 2 nights is (assuming the expensive cost instance)
total cost = B$1200 + B$600
= $1800
so for 1 person it cost: 1800/20 = $90 per person
more people join,the more lesser the cost. xp lol
bring your own money for shopping.
don't forget your cloths
bring as much $$ as possible for it is yours to spend on with. =p
well i hope my fantasy becomes a reality, i would be fun to go on a trip with my friends and lover to KK. I hope it happens. :)
k before i end my blog i'll summaries first.
cost for 3 days and 2 nights: $90 per person
more people join more lesser the cost.
extending the time is okay too but the price would also increase.
hope it happens
well its the end of my blog hope you find it interesting. xp
Name : Tatal Owner : NuNu Age : 2hours D.o.B : 3rd November 2008 Species : Cute Lil Turtle Abilities : Staying Cute Features : Hard Cute Shell & Big Cute Eyes Special Power : Hyper Beam, Bubble Attack & Shellmerang! Description : The Virtual Pet own by NuNu. I love Tatal! "SHE" is so cute and adorable! Guess this turtle of mine will stay around in our blog too. ;)
Ok this is amazing. we hav a blog now, how gay is that. Anyway, a very welcome to all readers... :)
Hope we can manage this blog and update it with lots of stuffs like what nu said.
ENDLESS CRAZYNESS as the title, so crazy things to expect here. hehe
What's done is done, there's no turning back!!! pakan~
Signed off @ 4:40:00 PM
Officially Start!!
First of all, i would like to welcome all the readers around the globe/universe/world....thanks for viewing our blog. Our main concern is to entertain the readers with all the recent stuffs that happens outside and inside of our life. Hopefully u guys will love it...gud stuffs, bad stuffs, crazy stuffs and all stuffs...what the??
Me myself as the admin, follow by Nunu, Eddie and Apizzo as my "workers" will try our best to update this blog from time to time...So please support us in every single way...as your support will motivate all of my "workers" and improve their self-confident to extend their creativity. Thank you very much...!
Btw MANCHESTER UTD supporters are very welcome to view this blog...."as the red go marching UP, UP, UP!"
-Sarif a.k.a C.Ronaldo-
Signed off @ 4:39:00 PM
The Beginning
This blog is dedicated for all of our friends, family members? mun ada ada yg ingin membaca and anyone who wants to just have a great and fun ( hopefully :P ) reading experience.
For starters, we are 4 crazy, goofy, talkactive and most of the time lively boys/guys/dudes/MEN. NuNu, my self, Sarif, Fandi and Hafiz! We decided to create a blog for ourself just for kicks.
So you ask, APA TAH KAMU POST NI? PASAL!? Hahaha we will be posting about stuffs, lots of stuff, randomly, from wonders of the human mind, inda logic stuff, stupid stuff, educational stuff?!, about MANCHESTER UNITED ( WE ARE MANCHESTER UNITED SUPPORTERS!! WOOOHOO!! ) and plenty more.. randomly! ;D
Historical Importance, mark of the date we created this blog is on 2nd November 2008, 3:30 PM, Di Rumah si Pandi, Makai Laptop si Ibnu, Makai Account si Sarif, Dengan ingatan si Hafiz.