1. Q. What starts with SH and ends with IT? A. SHut IT
2.Q.Why does an ant stop everytime it sees another ant? A.Everytime it sees another ant he stop and ask,"haven't I seen u before?"
3.Q.What did Erik Cantona said to Cristiano Ronaldo? A. He says ,"Play with skeel~~ Jogabonito~!!"
4.Q.Why is Luke the choosen one for the movie Star Wars? A Because he can walk at the sky.. (his name is Luke Skywalker)
5.Q.What did Darth Vader said to Luke? A."You fool,I am your father!"
6.Q.What is Luke's reaction when Darth Vader says it? A."NNNOOOOOoooo~~~....."
7.Q.What did Obi-wan said to Luke during dinner time? A. "May the forks be with you"
8.Q. Why is 6 afraid of 7? A. because 7 8(ate) 9
9.Q. What is the hottest eye? A. Matahari~~ (Sun)
10.Q. Why is the Moon a dangerous place to stay? A. Because there is a guardian protecting the moon called Priestest of The Moon,we can get stunned for a long period of time with her skills and get killed with her moon rays.
11.Q.Why Lunar Eclipse appear only once in a while? A. Because the ulti takes time to cooldown XD
12.Q. Which people lives in the jungle? A. Orang Utan...
13.Q. What is this, "/r/e/a/d/"? A. Read between the lines.
14.Q. What this, "ttttttiiiiiimmmmmmeeeeee, a b d e f g h i j k"? A. Long time no c.
15.Q. What is Khairah's reaction when someone ask her a question? A. "WAT?!?" (pronounce it lyk that)
This is a video we did while waiting for our A level results. Enjoy peeps!
Signed off @ 7:28:00 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Teka-teki dan soalan you-force~
For this 54th post, we're going to introduce a few questions/teka teki for our readers....this work base on our own idea (edi, Nunu and me) and our memories of some old intake questions (when we're still in primary school..remember?)....haha we also include the answer to make life more easier for you guys as well as for us...nda payah post balik2..haha ;)and u must remember. Soalan2 ini tidak ada kena mengena dgn yg hidup atau yg sudah meninggal dunia....ia adalah hiburan semata2...xD enjoy~~
Q1. What word starts with F and ends with UCK? Ans: FIRETRUCK
Q2. Apa yg lembu ada 4 and girls ada 2? Ans: Kaki
Q3. Banyak2 burger, burger apa paling nyaman? Ans: Begaru (Burger ru)
Q4. Banyak2 buah, buah apa paling d takuti? Ans: "Boh Dui~"
Q5. What did Batman says to Robin before they get in the car? Ans: Robin! get in the car.
Q6. Why is that superman's costume so fit? Ans: Because its an S size
Q7. Why superman so stupid? Ans: Because spendet nya d luar
Q8. Banyak2 bunga, bunga apa yang itam? Ans: Bunga tayar
Q9. Ibu apa yg urg paling takut? Ans: Mampus (Mom pus)
Q10. Banyak2 kerusi, kerusi apa paling jauh? Ans: Kerusi sofa (SO-FAR)
Q11. Air yg paling kuat? Ans: Air sehat
Q12. Air paling kaya? Ans: Sperm (air money)
Q13. Gusuk2 then air putih kluar, apa itu? Ans: Barus gigi
Q14. Benda itu d cari dan cari dan cari, lepas jumpa d buang. apa itu? Ans: Tahi idung
Q15. Tiga kembar saling berkejaran tapi tidak pernah tersentuh ketiga2 nya. apakh bendanya? Ans: Kipas angin
Q16. Banyak2 bandar, bandar apa yang paling berseri? Ans: Bandar Seri Begawan
Q17. Banyak2 ulat, ulat apa paling pandai? Ans: Ulat buku
Q18. What is In the middle of paris? Ans: The letter "R"
Q19. Only one animal can cross the road. Name it. Ans: Zebra (zebra-crossing)
Q20. Banyak2 permata, permata apa yg d cari setiap hari? Ans: Media Permata
Q21. Emo apa penting dalam idup kitani? Ans: Emoglobin (haemoglobin)
Q22. What happen if green cloth is thrown into the red sea? Ans: It becomes wet
Q23. Diantara tubuh badan manusia, apakah yg paling kalat? Ans: Mata (kalat mata)
Q24. If u r NIT u r E, what is it? Ans: F-U-R-N-I-T-U-R-E
Q25. If one indian go to the moon what will happen to earth? Ans: Less one indian
Q26. One nite, seekor burung hendak balik ke sarang nya untuk brehat....bila sampai, ia masuk dan terus terbang kluar. Knapa? Ans: Wrong Nest
Q27. What will happen if one chinese guy go to the moon? Ans: He will meet the indian on the moon ( refer to question 25 )
Q28. Why spiderman wear a mask while superman doesnt? Ans: Superman want to show off his S hair.
Q29. Knapa urg bejalan tangan ke bawah d tepi pinggang? Ans: Coz they wear clothes, if not then durang bejalan tangan ke bawah in front of them cia. memampan *tut*~~~
RAM (Random Access Memory) is the memory in a computer used to store running programs. The more RAM you have, the faster your games and other programs will run. Investing in a decent amount of RAM from one of the best computer memory makers is a smart idea. The performance of your gaming computer will be greatly affected by the type and amount of RAM you have on board.
Types of RAM
These days there are three main types of memory you can buy for your computer, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, and RDRAM. The memory type you select will depend on that supported by your motherboard.
SDRAM. This is an older form of memory that has now been superseded by DDR SDRAM. Although it’s not the fastest memory available, they are still trusted memory chips that you can find for a very cheap price.
DDR SDRAM. The most common type of memory used today, DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM performs faster than its predecessor. There’s no reason not to get this type of memory for your system.
RDRAM. Also known as Rambus, RDRAM is the latest type of memory that was originally designed for the Pentium 4. It’s the fastest, and consequently, the most expensive type of memory.
How Much RAM Do You Need?
The simple answer is “as much as you can afford”. Adding memory to your system will show real results, and RAM prices are forever getting cheaper.
Windows XP needs at least 128MB of RAM just to be usable, although with such little memory you are bound to have problems. Add a few applications and you’ll quickly find that 256MB, and even 512MB, becomes necessary. And that’s just for normal computer users.
To run Windows Vista decently, you will be required to have at least 1 gig of RAM. If you’re a gamer, then you will require even more RAM. 1-2 Gigabytes is the absolute minimum these days to play decent 3D games, but you should really look into buying a little more.
Buying Your RAM
Buying the best computer memory for your gaming computer involves knowing which type you need, and then choosing how much you want. One thing to watch out for is the brand of the memory you buy. Recommend quality manufacturer are Kingston, Crucial, Corsair, or Samsung. Buying cheap memory from an unknown manufacturer is risky.
Two statues stood in a city park: one female and the other male. These statues faced each other for many years. Early one morning, an angel appeared before the statues and said, "Since the two of you have been exemplary statues and have brought enjoyment to many people, I am giving you your greatest wish. I hereby give you the gift of life. You have 30 minutes to do whatever you desire."
And with that command, the statues came to life. The two statues smiled at each other, ran toward some nearby woods and dove behind a couple of bushes. The angel smiled to himself as he listened to the two statues giggling, bushes rustling, and twigs snapping.
After fifteen minutes, the two statues emerged from the bushes, satisfied and smiling. Puzzled, the angel looked at his watch and asked the statues, "You still have fifteen minutes. Would you like to continue?"
The male statue looked at the female and asked, "Do you want to do it again?" Smiling, the female statue said, "Sure. But this time YOU hold the pigeon down and I'll crap on its head!"
Here is something i made while waiting for my internet to stop its crazy laggingnesses~ More improvement soon maybe if i can master how to do this stuff hehe ;)
..::[ Signatures for the 4 Lords of You-Force ]::..
PS: Hehe baru baru ku kali ah ni, so inda berapa mengancam, nanti2 mengubah supaya lagi WOW~~!! ;D
Signed off @ 7:57:00 AM
The 20th
..;;== The Ko Pajal Birthday Cake ==;;..
Hehe a lil something a made for myself during my birthday. Importantly here in this post i would like to really really say THANK YOU to all of those that greeted me during my birthday! Its an awesome feeling, it made me really happy and to know that you guys are around is something special in my life.
Thank you so so much everyone. I really appreciate it ;)
Signed off @ 3:35:00 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Awesome and Crusial Battle
Here another link to a great battle too. This battle is with a known friend teo. both owning but tamak... the scene is very funny...
as usual after the download copy or cut the file into your warcraft replay file. if dont have warcraft then cannot see la.. XD lol and must be version 1.22
kali ani Overdoze FC punya tanah... wahahaha biasa architect siapa~ planing siapa~ duit wa ne dah planing ah XD
1st Peminat Setia smua di atas,judin,syafiq,nordin. haha
judin,nordin and nurudin same row sal nama drg ends with the same 3 letters "DIN"
safwan sama syafiq besebalahan sal bestfrend~~
c rudy lg rugget, tgh2 drg c zaim and c hazman LAGI BESTFRIEND~~~ bukan lagi bestfriend,bestfriend forever wa tu(bff) lol
c ibnu,alif xabi alonso and sarif same row sal drg ex-rimba. rofl
eddie sama c adib mesti besebalahan sal girlpren wa tu bff... hehehe
hazwan sama hazman bejauhan pasal inda boleh betamu,mun inda betangaran wa tu.... perang dunia ke-3 karang jadinya XD
hazwan sama hazim mesti betamu pasal bff~~ (gila dri form 2 hingga masa ani UNI masih sama2 *haha*) inda boleh bepisah.
qayyum and me jauh sal kami nada hubungan dengan diorang,kami jadi loner lah di hujung dunia and ampir lagi rah entrance sanang keluar pagar. lol
sama,i boleh escape easily dari sembahyang jemaah tu nah imam kami Hj Nordin,kana pajal karang sembahyang jemaah... LOL
k sal entertainment yang tangah2 tanah kmi atu.tu kami ada padang bula! gym ada~ (ada squash court tu dalam ah *marah krg bini c eddie and c adib mun nada squash court.*lol*)
luar gym ada 3 court,tennis court,basketball court and badminton court. silat court di dalam tu lif. lol
ahh~~ yang penting tu nah masjid ah... marah karang imam mun nda ada masjid... beampiran g tu dengan rumah imam,sanang d aga sna,jalan kaki sja.c dane jadi bilal,assistant wah tu. haha sembahyang jumaat sanang lagi 40 orang cukup eh, kami udah 17 org. masing2 lagi ada anak. me got 2 sons,ibnu got 1 son,sarif got 1 son,adib got 3 sons,eddie got 1 son,hazim got 2 sons, nuruddin got no son(semua bini2), hazwan got no son(semua bini2 2 orang*spaya di jodohkn dengan anak c hazim*lol*),c dane ada 1 son,syafiq ada 2 sons, zaim got 1 son jua, c alif 2 son(untuk di ajar silat wah tu,jadikn keturunan,hehe),safwan 1 son sahaja(inda pandai menjaga, 1 and only son saja*lol*),c qayyum pun 1 son jua(c kimo nda pandai jaga anak,xp jk),c rudy ada 4 sons(active wa tu! jdkn rudy jr.),c hazman lagi tia 5 SONS!!(what the...) and c nordin WAH 7 SONS!! (holy %*@#! OWNAGE~!!) *banyak pahala wah tu buat anak ah,lagipun sanang ia bejemaah,lau kawan ku inda mau baiktah sama anak ku saja jemaah*lol*.
k cuba kira 17 + 2 + 1+ 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 +1 + 2 + 1 + 2 +1 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 7 = 51 orang. nah cukup untuk sembahyang jumaat rah masjid kami atu. haha lagipun orang pun boleh join wah,iatah kami provide carpark atu. =) supaya meriahkn suasana. kalau kan beraya pun sanang jalan kaki saja parking biasa rah umah c zaim LOL
Here's Future Home Plan D. Here there is no football field and look,zaim's there and its the first house from the main entrance.to his sides are the game house and the gym. this is the dota ville!! sanang org beraya~ parking sja rah umah zaim jln kaki or suruh urg caddy ah utk drive kn.haha ada golf caddy x ah~~ kaya~~ duli~~ yg penting parking sja rah umah zaim. LOL k more details y i have arrange it like this. zaim is the first house because playmaker x ah~~ Adib ampir k main entrance sal krg mental ya jauh and ampir g rah gym sanang ia kn bwa anaknya main futsal,dui jln kaki ganya save minyak xp lol c rick tangah2 drg hazman n hazwan sal krg drg dua atu kelahi krg mun sebalahan bising wa tu krg kul 5am baru beranti kelahi,nada nyaman tido~ rumah ku lg beampiran kedgrn wa tu! hazim geek hazim gay sama column sal nama drg sama. tpi patutnya tebalik wa tu.hazim gay patutnya atas hazim geek sal spaya drg hazim gay,hazwan,rick and hazman se row sal bff x ah~ mana boleh bpisah tu. the reason yg drg c cong, hazim geek and hazim gay same column jua sal drg usulnya mcm cina,so racist2 la. lol jk c zul n fiyyan b ampiran sal drg bff jua x ah~ nada drg mo mengalah mcm drg c rick atu~ c teo tangah2 c ibnu and jizo sal dua2 atu bfnya lau ia keboringan sama c ibnu sama c jizo ia,sanang2 ia jln ampir. all the ex-pds smua d atas sal schoolcism lol nada deh.saja drg pro dota jauh2 la ckit lau drg kn main dota k game house panggil sja caddy nda susah2~
lastly! y im situated in the middle because im the architect,im the president,im the emperor,im the king. ROFL
THE DOTA GANG HOME Here's another future home plan.this is featuring the ex-pds and ex-smja's house also known as the "gang dota".Teo situated in between because he is neither ex pds nor ex smja. lol as u can see there's the game room.we would be able to go there everyday to fight and battle each other when needed or stress.There's also the gym where we can work out everyday. people can easily visit us.if raya its easy for us to go to our fren's house.(save the car oil,save money) The Game room also consist of other games other than computers such as pool,dart,table tennis,etc.There's also a football field and futsal field,for playing football of course. no.1 sport. lol There is 4 exits 2 on the top (left and right) and two at the bottom(left and right) the surrounding of our land is the wall so that no buglars can pass through,i can assure u that because there is a 100kV electric covered the wall. LOL the gym has 2 storey where the bottom is the courts like basketball court futsal and badminton court(even squash) and the top is for work out to build up muscle or agility.
Here is the new house plan for us.im too lazy to explain right now. jus wana show how its looks like. lol this is plan B of house planning. 4 images... hope it is a good explanation.
okay summay.
yellow = our houses
red= the lifts to our house ( for those who wana visit us)
orange = refreshment room ( for four of us to meet or to hang where we can order our food. open daily from 8.00am- 9.00 pm)
purple = gym ( two storey ones top for work out n stuff, btm is the court for playing futsal basketball,badminton.)
there is also football field, street soccer, basketball court and badminton court outside the gym.
there is also a car park for guests so people can easily go in and out of our compund.
thats it im gona explain... ^^
oh yeah... the game room, situated at the red colour block at the very top...
the red block are 3 storey (bottom is the lift nothing special,middle entrance to our homes, top is the game room. =D hehe
ok i think that is all to be mentioned.
still confuse??? just look at the pictures!! xp LOL
Well this is the dream which i have suggested for the future. As you can see us (the you-force producer) with our houses and layouts.
they are 3 exit doors one from the left, one from the right and one from the bottom the reason is because it is easier for people to get in and out of our compound.useful when one of us or all of us held a open house ceremony for the homes. every of the exits there is a guard and his dog so that they wont be any buglar entering our compund.
you may think the buglar can climb to our walls but you are wrong.every night after 9pm we will put up a 100kV electric through our wall so that people or even animals cant go near it.or even us lol
now talking about our compound,yellow ones are the land of each of us posessed. as u can see my land is abit smaller than the other 3, that's because i have sacrifised some of my land to build a football field behind my land as the picture shown in blue colour,that's our football field all right.not too big not too small.kind of like a outdoor futsal field.the purple ones are mix room (2 storey) the ground floor is the jamming room since all of us knows most of the instuments create by humans and the top floor is the gamming room for us to play games.for me i knw how to play guitars,drums,keyboards and violin(=p lol). the green colour one is the gym(2 storey). the ground floor is where we work out, the first floor is where we can play futsal or badminton or basketball. the orange colour one is the clubhouse where four of us gather to play pool or cards or even play dart and drinks well mostly where we grouping la~
okay lastly if people still wonders why my land is small.its because my family in the future will be just me and my wife or just 2/3kids.(family planing lol)
well that is all im gona say.to me its rugget.. =p k chow